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Spä do galérie
The Bust of a Retrospective Woman, 1933
Lobster Telephone, 1936
Aphrodisiac Dinner Jacket, 1936
Hands Chair, 1936
The Bust of a Retrospective Woman, 1933
Lobster Telephone, 1936
Aphrodisiac Dinner Jacket, 1936
Hands Chair, 1936
The Space Elephant, 1960
Dalí-Flower, 1967
The Shoe (Surrealist Object Functioning Symbolically), 1974
Profile du Temps, 1984
The Space Elephant, 1960
Dalí-Flower, 1967
The Shoe (Surrealist Object Functioning Symbolically), 1974
Profile du Temps, 1984
Spä do galérie
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